Saturday, September 21, 2013

Making a new sewing box!

Hello all, sorry I've been gone so long! I have been busy as you may have guessed. Today I am going to attempt to finish at least one quilt, but first while the kids are playing I am repurposing a box I had used for make up. The inside was junk, so I had to have it removed, but I put down is nice layer of mods pods and am gluing some leftover muslin scraps that I had which couldn't be used on an actual quilt. After this layer, I plan to use various scraps of bright and colorful fabric. It is also my hope that I can add a little stuffing to the top so that I can put some pins in there if necessary. You know how we always thread a needle and don't use it all, but feel like throwing the thread away would be a waste. So we end up with a few threaded needles in our little tomato pin cushion. Not very good idea, they always get snagged or wrapped around something. 

Anyway, here are a couple of pictures to begin with. I will try to update later.

The box! It's pretty sturdy! 

Here you can see before and after pics of the inside. The bottom still needs to be done. 

And there is a close up of the top. So thankful I am a scrap hoarder ;) I also plan on going through my fabric and separating out the smaller scraps because I found a pattern for a depression quilt. I love it! I recently finished the top of a spiderweb quilt which is the one I'm finishing today.

For either of these patterns (for personal use only), visit I am addicted to this site!! I did the Easy Spiderweb quilt. But I suggest instead of paper piecing or making the individual little kite pieces, to instead just make a triangle out of blank fabric. Not only does it cut down on time that you're spending cutting out little kites or searching for them, but it also just make a whole lot thicker and simpler. I also find that when you are paper piecing and you go to remove the paper underneath, it puts a lot of stress on the thread.

Happy crafting!

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