Sunday, July 28, 2013

So I came across these today and am kind of excited, skeptical, and broke. Isn't that the way? Apparently they do work, not in the way that sitting on your couch wearing these will shed pounds instantly, but in the way that while you workout, they help harness your body heat to burn more calories.

On to other things ...

I created a post yesterday but it vanished. Into thin air. Poof!

So here is the photo:

First Year Quilt from onesies, shirts, and pants from
my daughter's first year. I am finishing the back
with her baby blankets. I still have a ways to go!
This First Year Quilt will be my girl's present (a late birthday or early Christmas). She saw a piece of it while I was working on it, and said 'Oooh pretty!'

This is the type of thing I work on while waiting for my big opportunity. I'm not technically waiting since my blog, Tumblr, Twitter, Linkedin and portfolio sites are all designed to bring people to the appropriate conclusion: I rock and they should hire me.

Insert winky face.

Once I get my ducks in a row, I will be creating layering sets for my photographer friends to use and help spread the word that my work is out there and for sale.

In the meantime ... back to hanging with my #1 fan 

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